The Harry Potter book and film version are both celebrating its anniversary. It's a total of 12 years for the very first book in the series, 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' and it's 15 years for the movie. Do you even remember that its casts composed of Daniel Radcliffe on the lead were just mere kids when they played the characters written by author J.K. Rowling.

So in line with celebrating the Harry Potter anniversary, let's check out how the child actors and actresses then of the blockbuster movie adaptation are doing now:

Daniel Radcliffe. This Harry Potter lead star has definitely moved on with making more films to add in his resume which includes 'The F Word' and 'Horns.' Here's an interesting note: he is busy making guides on YouTube on how it is to be a successful actor.

Emma Watson. This young actress is busy garnering awards from the People's Choice Awards for her outstanding performance in the movie adaptation of the 'Perks of Being a Wallflower. She is also to star in upcoming movies like 'Beauty and the Beast.'

Rupert Grint. He has been in a steady line of work for brand new movies like 'Into The White' along with 'The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman.' He is also rumoured to be dating Georgie Groom.

Tom Felton. He recently starred for 'Therese Raquin' and all set to be seen in more movies by this year. This hot guy is also busy writing songs about the love of his life, Jade Olivia.

Katie Leung. She is studying to earn her BA degree in Acting and stars in a miniseries entitled 'Run.'

Check out other Harry Potter stars who are all grownups now in the next slideshow!