'Harry Potter' star Rupert Grint recently revealed about Shia LaBeouf's naked tendencies while freaking out on LSD. The two actors starred in the upcoming movie 'The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman' and Grint witnessed how LaBeouf prepared for his role in the film.

The British actor bared witness to the controversial actor tripping when LaBeouf allegedly popped some LSD, stripped and spoke about seeing an owl.

'He (LaBeouf) smashed the place up, got naked and kept seeing this owl. If anything will make you not do drugs, it's watching that,' says Grint.

LaBeouf has been making a lot of noise lately including his retirement announcements, hiring a skywriter, plagiarizing Daniel Clowes, showing his peen to land a role and declaring he's not famous. In his new film 'Charlie Countryman', the 'Terminator' star dropped acid in order to tap the darkest and deepest core of his character.

But the trouble is, the actor managed to do it in front of the cast and crew who looked on with shock as the actor threw a major rampage. But it seems that LaBeouf took a wrong drug.

'In the script, it's Carpathian ecstasy, a special hostel ecstasy that exists in maybe just Bucharest,' says the film's director Fredrik Bond in a previous interview. 'So, Shia said he took acid? I didn't know he went out and said that. But it was always ecstasy in the script.'

The actor's 'method acting' is taking him to a different place that will keep other young actor away from drugs. Grint has expressed his lack of interest of taking drugs after seeing LaBeouf's riot on the set.

But the actor explained his behavior with MTV News saying: 'I was getting really nervous toward the end. Not because I wanted to be on drugs -- I'm not trying to mess with the set or anything like that. It's really just fear that propels people.'

There is no argument that the actor is losing his touch when recent claims of plagiarism and Twitter meltdowns have slammed the actor's character.

'In light of the recent attacks against my artistic integrity, I am retiring from all public life,' tweeted LaBeouf, Friday. 'My love goes out to those who have supported me.'