The recent 16 and under National Club Championships had a lot of highlights, including the involvement of two members of the water polo community with playing, coaching and refereeing as part of their resumes. As well as that, they are both deaf.

Both David Brady and Jamie Lee Lewis show us all that a hearing impairment is not an impediment to participation in water polo in all its elements.

Both are long time participants in the sport as athletes and they have both broadened their involvement in the game to keep their enjoyment and involvement alive.

Jamie Lee is an elite player for the National Water Polo League gold-medal winning Brisbane Barracudas. She also coaches and referees.

At the 16 and under National Championships Jamie Lee was the appointed referee for All Hallows and was given the honour of being the goal-judge for the Girls gold medal game.

David Brady is a player who was a driving force behind Australia's participation in the Deaflympics He still plays for Nordek in the ACT competition, but now spends more of his time working for Touch Football Australia as their National Business Operations Manager.

At the 16 and under National Championships he was Assistant Coach to Don Cameron of the ACT Fins Boys team who finished a creditable 17th at the event.

Thanks to Pearse Photography, you can see both Jamie Lee and David Brady in action.