Singer Chris Brown Claims He Has Humbled Down. File photo/Reuters/David McNew/Pool
Chris Brown's Australian visa was denied. Reuters/David McNew/Pool

Upon hearing her angel with broken wings is set to be jailed for at least a month, Joyce Hawkins or Chris Brown's mother promptly burst into tears. Attorney Mark Geragos was seen to be whispering to Hawkin's ear in an attempt to comfort the ailing mother.

Brown was brought to the court on March 17 in shackles and wearing a county-issued orange jumpsuit. Nothing could have prepared a mother to see his son that way. Even though Geragos has requested his client to wear civilian clothes, this request was denied and Brown had to walk this way in front of the cameras trained at him.

On Friday, the probation department has released a three page report detailing all the violations that Brown incurred, and why he was booted out of rehab. Now that he is set to be jailed for at least a month, Brown might be looking at rehab differently now. Brown was hardly cooperative in rehab so his fate now is not surprising. He reportedly made a provocative statements including the words guns and knives, touched a female client even though this was expressedly restricted and denying taking a drug test.

With all these provocative actions and deliberate behavior from the renowned singer, Brown is deemed as troubled by LA County Superior Court James Brandlin. Even though Brown's lawyer is fighting tooth and nail to get Brown housed in an off-site facility instead of the jail, the court is not going to take its chances anymore. The lawyer also insisted that holding Brown is akin to a waste of judicial resources but this is to no avail. Brown is set to go behind bars.

Assistant District Attorney Mary Murray also claimed that the singer already has a notorious record among rehab programs.He has already been ejected from two rehab programs in the last five months and another program cannot be considered anymore, CNN reports.

All throughout this ordeal and even before being jailed, the one person who has been very concerned about Brown is hsi mother. Known as mom breezy on twitter, Chris Brown's mom has once stated that Brown's irresponsible actions and ways are due to him falling in with the wrong crowd. Brown's mother strongly pointed the rapper's crew as the wrong crowd, because she believed that the crew got Brown addicted to weed, the root of all his problematic behaviors and now, his jail time.

Even though Brown argued with her so much and up to the point that Brown threw a rock at her car window, Hawkins cannot stop being a mother and still cried about Brown's currently dire situation. If there's anyone that we should sympathize with it is Chris Brown's mother.