Ron Perlman is still pushing to star in the third installment of "Hellboy." Movie director Guillermo del Toro is also enthusiastic about directing the movie. However, he thinks "Hellboy 3" won't happen due to financial reasons. He claimed that if he was a multimillionaire he "would finance the movie" himself. So with the thought of the movie not happening, the director opted to reveal some plot details instead.

During a Reddit AMA, fans asked Guillermo del Toro why "Hellboy 3" hasn't been made. Despite his and Ron Perlman's enthusiasm for the movie, the director said it's unlikely the movie will happen due to financial reasons.

"We have gone through basically every studio and asked for financing, and they are not interested," he said.

He further explained his reasons why he thinks "Hellboy 3" is not happening.

Del Toro explained that the first two "Hellboy" franchise made back its budget but with little profit. Both movies were successful on home videos (DVD and video) back then. "Hellboy II" made its budget back in the box office however made little profit on theatres. Even with the two movie franchise being big on home videos, del Toro thinks that nowadays, the success of home videos isn't as predictable anymore. He noted, "sadly now from a business point of view all the studios know is that you don't have that safety net of the DVD and video." So he thinks the studios view "Hellboy 3" as a dangerous project.

However, del Toro is still very much willing to do the movie, saying he "would love to make it." But "Hellboy 3" is "proven almost impossible to finance" from the studio's side. The director claimed if he was a multimillionaire he "would finance" the movie himself.

While the future of "Hellboy 3" is uncertain, Guillermo del Toro opted to discuss some plot details that he has worked on.

"Hellboy 3" would ultimately lead to Hellboy coming to terms with his "inevitable destiny" of becoming the beast of the Apocalypse. del Toro explained Liz and Hellboy would have to deal with this "part of his nature" if they want to vanquish a new enemy in the third film. To defeat evil and defend humanity, Hellboy would have to become the beast of the Apocalypse. But at the same time he "becomes a much darker being."

Despite admitting that "Hellboy 3" may not happen, Guillermo del Toro thinks "it's an interesting story to end the series."

Screenrant suggested that if del Toro's next few projects, (including his 2015 fantasy movie "Crimson Peak" and FX's "Strain") will prove him as a successful director, then there could be a chance the studio will finance "Hellboy 3." Also, the first two "Hellboy" franchise was well-received by fans and critics. These should be enough to prove to the studios that a third installment should happen.

Still, all remains to be seen as "Hellboy 3" has not even entered the actual phase of development.

Source: YouTube/Red Carpet News TV