By Peter Switzer, Switzer Super Report

[Note: This report was written on Monday, ahead of the fall on Wall Street overnight and the news from Boston.]

When I look at Wall Street having a negative day and see the Dow down .08% despite ordinary economic news and unimpressive company reporting you know there simply aren't enough committed sellers out there to KO this rally and secular bull market.

I think it has years to run, thanks to what I call the Lone Ranger effect, but I will be monitoring it all daily to make sure if there are creeping weaknesses emerging that could change my optimism that you will be the first to know.

But that said, let's look at what could destabilize the rally, though I don't think much can take out a secular bull market apart from a shock X-factor such as a nuclear bomb or a leading financial institution collapsing and rocking the world financial system.

By the way, thanks to those who have congratulated me for some big market calls lately ? it is nice to pocket 2.5% gain or more when the S&P/ASX 200 index pops up 2.5% in a week.

Don't be a duster

But in this game you can be a rooster one day and feather duster the next, so, let's look at the shorter-term threats and ask as well as evaluate how worried we should be?

I put the issues down to the following: