High-ranking politicians, police and judiciary part of paedophile ring: Alleged victim

A former education minister and former governor-general were involved in the paedophile ring named by Liberal Senator Bill Heffernan, an alleged victim of child abuse has claimed.
Fiona Barnett, who made the claims outside of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, also said she had repeatedly informed authorities about the assault, although no action was taken.
"Throughout my childhood I was a victim of Australia's VIP child sex trafficking ring," the 45-year-old told reporters, reported the Sydney Morning Herald. "The people involved in this elite paedophile ring included high-ranking politicians, police and judiciary."
Barnett believes the paedophile ring is still operating, and has called on the Royal Commission to investigate. Heffernan earlier told a parliamentary inquiry that he had a list of 28 paedophiles including a former prime minister, Sky News reported.
Attorney-General George Brandis, however, said a person would not be considered guilty of a crime simply because their name appeared on a list. “We should respect any decision of the royal commission about the ambit and scope of its terms of reference,” Brandis said as he advised Heffernan to approach the royal commission.
Barnett criticised the royal commission for its limited capability while sdemanding all child abuse claims to be investigated. "I don't think the royal commission seems to be equipped to do that, do you?” Barnett said. “Amongst victims, we think this is just a complete whitewash."
Barnett mentioned that she had reported the alleged abuse to the commission and the Australian Federal Police. She said she had seen the paedophile ring commit hundreds of offences including abduction, torture, rape and murder 40 years ago.
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