Hollywood celebrities like Madonna and Lady Gaga are condemming Russia's anti-gay laws and are facing federal investigation for allegedly violating their visas, according to Huffington Post. Russian officials claim, "The visas issued were of the basic cultural exchange sort, which does not grant their bearers the right to engage in any commercial activity."

The reason why Madonna and Lady Gaga are under investigation is because of their recent concerts in Russia that support their LGBT fans. Vitaly Milonov, the man behind St. Petersburg's law banning gay propaganda is the politician conducting the investigation.

"Tonight, this is my house Russia. You can be gay in my house," Lady Gaga said during her Russian show in December. The 'Applause" singer responded to Russia's claim by putting a Facebook post about the country's anti-gay stance.

"The rise in government abuse is archaic. Hosing teenagers with pepper spray? Beatings? Mother Russia? The Russian government is criminal. Oppression will be met with revolution. Russian LGBTs you are not alone. We will fight for your freedom," wrote Gaga.

"Why didn't you arrest me when you had the chance, Russia? Because you didn't want answer to the world?" she added.

Other celebs who voice out their personal stance on the topic includes; Bravo exec Andy Cohen who announced that he will be turning down his hosting gig for the Miss Universe this year that is set to be held in Moscow; and Broadway star Harvey Fierstein was asking for a boycott on the Olympic Games and oppose any type of travel in Russia.

Two months after the legislation was passed to ban "gay propaganda", many celebrities and athletes are finding creative ways on how to denounce the move and show their support to Russia's LGBT community.

English actor Stephen Fry is taking his views about Russia's anti-gay law by making an open letter to the British PM asking for the Olympics to be relocated back to Vancouver. While "Prison Break" actor Wentworth Miller turned down his invitation to the Saint Petersburg Film Festival.

Tilda Swinton also made her public protest by holding up a rainbow flag in Moscow. Scott Wooledge, HuffPost Gay Voices blogger retweeted the photo as he points out Swinton's courage, for tourist who shows opposition like what what she did could face up to 15 days in jail.