‘Home and Away’ spoilers for Oct. 27: Someone blackmails Kat and Ash; VJ makes a shocking discovery about Billie
Summer Bay deals with a troubled relationsip and a spicy love triangle

Big revelations and complicated relationships await fans of “Home and Away” on the Aussie soap’s last salvo for the week. On Thursday, Katarina Chapman (Pia Miller) and Martin “Ash” Ashford (George Mason) are having the time of their lives enjoying their clandestine affair. However, their secret may explode on their faces – someone’s threatening to expose them with incriminating evidence.
Speaking of concrete proof, VJ Patterson (Matthew Little) finds something that makes him question Billie Ashford (Tessa De Josselin). The two seem to hit another snag that may even lead to a break-up. The Oct. 27 episode also features other “Home and Away” cast members including Zac Macguire (Charlie Clausen), Leah Patterson-Baker (Ada Nicodemou), Tori Morgan (Penny McNamee), Nate Cooper (Kyle Pryor) and Duncan Stewart (Benedict Wall).
“Home and Away” stars Phoebe Nicholson (Isabella Giovinazzo), Justin Morgan (James Stewart), Brody Morgan (Jackson Heywood), Mason Morgan (Orpheus Pledger), Hunter King (Scott Lee), Olivia Richards (Raechelle Banno), Evelyn “Evie” MacGuire (Philippa Northeast), Matt Page (Alec Snow), Alf Stewart (Ray Meagher), Roo Stewart (Georgie Parker), John Palmer (Shane Withington), Marilyn Chambers (Emily Symons) and Irene Roberts (Lynne McGranger).
Spoiler Alert! This article contains "Home and Away" spoilers. Read only if you want to know more about it.
Back to the Bay reports that on Thursday, Kat and Ash continue keeping their relationship under wraps, but someone seems to be watching them. A blackmailer soon approaches them, threatening to expose their affair. Meanwhile, Zac apologises to Leah about his bad habits, but he struggles to quit. Nate and Tori, on the other hand, are growing closer than ever, but Duncan gets in their way.
The upcoming episode also centres on VJ as he makes a big announcement. However, he finds evidence that makes him suspicious of Billie. The two also find it difficult to adjust on their new arrangement.
Seven Network posted a sneak peek of the upcoming episode. In the trailer, someone’s been snapping photos of Kat and Ash kissing and being all sweet to each other. Meanwhile, VJ finds the goodbye letter that Billie wrote a long time ago. VJ confronts her about it, but she dodges the question. VJ refuses to let the issue go, saying they’re not leaving until she lets him know what’s going on. Later, Billie tells him that if he can’t trust her, then they shouldn’t go through the wedding and takes off her ring. The clip also shows Tori enjoying her time with Nate, until Duncan comes in. Nate looks unsettled when Duncan and Tori kiss in front of him.
“Home and Away” recap
In the previous episode, Olivia was surprised to see Hunter training with John at the beach when he’s supposed to be studying for an English exam. She wasn’t aware that Hunter’s considering buying off the test so he could pass. After learning about Hunter’s situation, Zac dropped by the beach to talk to him. When Hunter asked for his help studying, Zac said he’s on his way to a meeting.
Upset, Hunter walked off and texted Rebecca that he’s in. He borrowed $300 from Olivia to pay off Rebecca, saying that he’s hiring a tutor. On his way out, Roo arrived and overheard their conversation. She volunteered to help Hunter for free, messing up his plans. However, he’s surprised that Roo really made it easy for him to understand Shakespeare, that he ditched Rebecca and decided to really study.
However, Rebecca clearly didn’t like being stood up and went to the diner to look for him. She saw Olivia and spilled that Hunter’s buying the English exam from her. Olivia blasted Hunter for it in front of Irene and Roo. Later, Hunter and Olivia met with Zac and Leah to discuss Hunter’s attempt to cheat. Zac said that Hunter would have to face the consequences. Hunter, for his part, blamed his dad, saying none of this would have happened if Zac only helped him. Hunter ran after Olivia and explained his side. He promised Olivia he won’t do anything like that again and the two made up.
When Hunter left, Leah lashed out at Zac for being too busy at work. In the middle of their argument, a message from a certain Sam came in, saying “I’m waiting.” He left Leah in bad terms. Earlier, Zac went to Salt for his “meeting.” He clearly lied to Hunter when he said it’s a guy he’s going to talk to. A woman arrived – who apparently was Sam – and apologised for being late, but soon enough, they’re into a deep conversation about his past. When Sam got up to get more drinks, Leah came barging in, angry at him for not answering his phone and for rebuffing Hunter. Leah noticed there were two glasses on the table and realised Zac’s there with someone. When she asked who, he lied and said it was one of the teachers. He promised to sort things out with Hunter and practically shoved Leah out the door. That night, Zac went to Sam’s place and said he’s nervous. “I’ve never done anything like this before,” he said, but continued that he really wanted to do it.
Meanwhile, Justin went over to Phoebe’s house to look for Raffy, who was at the hospital visiting Hope. Phoebe was upset that Justin didn’t tell her about Decker. Justin apologised and said that a lot’s been going on. She became even more irritated when she realised Justin’s keeping more secrets from her. Backed in a corner, Justin revealed that Raffy is Hope’s sister. When their discussion shifted to them, Justin seemed unprepared to commit, leaving Phoebe disappointed.
Phoebe ranted to Marilyn while Justin confided in on John, and in the end, the two were able to see clearly where the other one’s coming from. Phoebe went over to Justin’s and the two threshed out their issues. Justin told Phoebe that she means so much to him, and she said the same thing to him. When Justin leaned in for a kiss, Phoebe stopped him and said that they shouldn’t dive into anything until he settled things first with Raffy. “This… us… we can wait,” Phoebe said.
Find out what happens next on “Home and Away,” which airs Monday to Thursday at 7pm on Seven Network in Australia. In the UK, “Home and Away” airs during weekdays at 1.15pm and 6pm on Channel 5.