On Friday, Kathy O'Hara fell off her horse while racing. It was a severe fall that a lot of people thought she would get serious injuries from. Luckily, she got no more than a concussion and a deep cut after the horse racing accident. Here's a photo she shared on her Twitter account.

O'Hara was seating on her horse with great stability, when she unexpectedly came down in a fall. Her head hit the grass, and her horse as well as fellow jockey Hugh Bowman's horse walloped at her as she tumbled down. She was brought to the hospital late Friday to receive treatment from the lesions she obtained from the fall.

It was a good thing that O'Hara did not sustain any serious injuries from the fall. Even racing officials were in awe that she has managed to run off with only minor wounds.

After the horrific riding accident, a lot of people are now questioning the equestrian discipline or the horse-riding skills of many jockeys. The topic whether they ride too short and lack the basic control concerns Racing New South Wales (NSW) Chief Ray Murrihy.

According to Des O'Keefe of the Australian Jockey Association, riding short on horses could give untimely hip problems. Maybe the way jockeys place their toes in the stirrup should also be looked into.

O'Hara wasn't the only who has fallen off the horses while racing in recent days. The intensity of apprehension regarding safety in horse racing was already high after Desiree Gill's passing. Darren Gauci also came down in a fall on Wednesday. Then a couple of days earlier, Jordan Childs and Peter Mertens endured fractures from falling at Hamilton. Nick Hall, Damien Oliver, Mark Zahra, Michael Rodd, and Ben Melham have also undergone surgical procedures.

Falling from the horse is the most common injury, followed by being trampled, bitten and kicked by the animal. Some possible injuries resulting from horse-riding include head and chest injuries as well as arm and leg fracture or dislocation. Maybe it really is high time that the jockeys' equestrian discipline be evaluated to avoid traumatising accidents in the future.