Temperature in Brisbane, Australia is predicted to reach a scorching 39 degrees Celsius on Tuesday which is 10 degrees higher than the average heat in December.

According to the weather bureau, this hottest December temperature plus the gusty winds may possibly ignite more bushfires around Queensland's capital city.

The predicted temperature is a little bit below the recorded 41.2 degrees Celsius in December 1981. It would also indicate the hottest day on the month of December since 2001 where the temperature rocketed to 40 degrees Celsius on Christmas Eve.

Meanwhile, the temperature forecast comes after the fire at Beachmere, north of Brisbane, where firefighters have been battling the inferno since Saturday.

Michelle Berry, senior duty forecaster, stated the weather bureau is thinking about issuing an official bushfire warning on Tuesday for Queensland's southeast corner as the west to northwesterly winds threaten to reach 50km/h.

"We're looking at gusty winds, very dry conditions and very hot temperatures. This is the kind of temperature that is well and truly above average. We're looking at an increasing fire danger," Berry told the Australian Associated Press on Monday.

A worse fire threat for Brisbane is estimated to continue until Wednesday despite the temperature drop back to 32 degrees Celsius. "We're expecting windy conditions and dry air," Berry stated.

Temperatures at Ipswich and the Lockyer Valley are also forecasted to heat up at 41 degrees on Tuesday compared to the other hot temperatures of 40 degrees at Emerald in central Queensland, 38 degrees in Rockhampton and 39 degrees at Weipa in the state's far north.

A much cooler weather will most likely occur on the upcoming days in the western Queensland towns of Mt Isa, Birdsville and Longreach after the temperatures rose above 40 degrees Celsius for three successive days.

However, Brisbane must have to wait until Thursday before the temperatures drop down to 28 degrees which is below the average for the month of December.