Political drama series "House of Cards," which premiered on February 01, 2013, is one of the most critically acclaimed drama series of this year. This Netflix original series won nine nominations at this year's Emmy Awards and took home three, including for the outstanding directing for a drama series. It may surprise and shock thousands of "House of Cards" fans if the second season turns out to be the final season.

Rick Cleveland, co-executive producer of "House of Cards," said that "House of Cards" is likely to have only two seasons. It is "only going to go for a second season and I think that's it," Cleveland said at the Vancouver International Film Festival, as quoted by GoldDerby.

Cleveland said that both Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright like to do movie."Kevin Spacey likes to do movies and Robin Wright likes to do movies."

The co-executive producer indicated that the second season of "House of Cards" may premiere sometime "closer to the end of the Emmy eligibility cycle."

Netflix has not yet officially announced the date on which season 2 will premiere on the online streaming site. The media is abuzz with reports that it may premiere sometime in February, but if one takes Cleveland's words in consideration, "House of Cards" may return for its second season sometime in May.

Spoiler for "House of Cards" Season 2:

Linda Vasquez (Sakina Jaffrey), the President's White House chief of staff, will step out of the White House, not literally though. According to TV Line, viewers will see Linda in a "different space" in the upcoming season of "House of Cards."

"I don't think [Linda's] seen the light of day," the actress told TV Line. "They don't let her out too much."

The filming of the second season is almost complete. Beau Willimon, executive producer and creator of "House of Cards," had tweeted: "Almost done. Just a few more weeks to go filming S2 @HouseofCards. Whipping the footage into shape in post!"