"House of Cards" revolves around the conniving, political world of Washington D.C. The production team of the Netflix original series has finally got permission to shoot in D.C. According to reports, "House of Cards" team had intended to shoot a presidential motorcade scene there but it was shot down by Cathy Lanier, Police Chief of D.C, after the permission was given to film the scene.

Citing a police official, Washington Business Journal reports that the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD), Netflix and the production team of "House of Card" have sorted out the problematic issues. The cast and crew will soon be on the streets of Washington, shooting the motorcade scene.

"We've worked with Netflix," Asst. Chief Lamar Greene said as quoted by Washington Business Journal. "We've resolved that issue."

In addition to traffic support, MPD will also provide security for the filming to take place without any security concerns. Washington Business Journal reports that MPD has also agreed to help "House of Cards" with "replica designs of MPD vehicles and uniforms."

At Emmy Awards 2013, "House of Cards" won for the best direction in the drama series. David Fincher, director of "House of Cards." took home the Emmy. "House of Cards" became the first show, streaming on an online site, to win the Emmy.

"House of Cards" may also score British Academy Film and Television Award, or BAFTA, nominations thanks to the new rules. According to a report published by Mirror, BAFTA now allows online programmes to enter the awards and compete, following on the footsteps of Emmy Awards.

The second season of "House of Cards" is slated to premiere sometime in Februray, 2014. As earlier reported, the shooting of the upcoming season is almost done. The filming of "House of Cards" is mostly done in Maryland, and the motorcade scene can be part of the final filming scenes.

"House of Cards" features the shrewd Francis Underwood (Kevin Spacey), the South Carolina congressman. After he is ignored for the post of Secretary of State, he plots the downfall of those who betrayed him in the scheming, political world of Washington.