David Shore, the creator of Fox medical drama "House M.D." has spoken vaguely about how the series is going to end. From what he has shared with The Globe and Mail, the series finale will be quite heavy, but "bittersweet."

"We never do happy endings, but we also try not to do miserable endings. Bittersweet is the most you can hope for," Shore told Andrew Ryan in an interview.

The title of the series finale, "Everybody Dies," sounds a little too dark, doesn't it? Will Dr. Gregory House (Hugh Laurie) die at the end of the series? Or is the title a reflection on the death of someone important to House, say, Dr. James Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard)?

House has seen many deaths and tragedies since its 2004 pilot, "Everybody Lies." The fans naturally brace themselves for the worst.

In an interview with E! Online, Laurie was just as vague as Shore about the finale. He hinted that the fans should not expect a big closure.

"(Shore) would go out of his way not to create some sort of false, very heightened ending in which things blow up and people get married or don't or whatever, in which everything is sort of resolved. Because life isn't like that," Laurie said.

Shore said he never thought his concept would last for eight seasons.

"The idea that this would last more than 12 episodes and I could plan an ending for it was way too arrogant. It's American network TV," he said.

What is House leaving in American television history? How does Shore think House would be remembered?

"(Dr. Gregory House) wasn't just blindly following rules, but worked toward the reality of each situation and the right thing to do."

The Aussie viewers were supposed to see House this Saturday night but TEN has decided to rerun Bikie Wars from 9:30pm instead.

TEN was supposed to air the eleventh episode, "Nobody's Fault," which is 11 episodes away from the series finale. This episode involves a violent incident which will affect Dr. Robert Chase (Jesse Spencer) directly.

Meantime, enjoy this Fox-produced video showing what the cast would steal from the set once production wraps up for the last time (By this time, everything must have been cleared by Hugh Laurie and the rest of the actors.).