This week I wrote a post for entitled "3 Reasons Why Card-Carrying Capitalists Should Support Family Leave." To help individuals advocate for Paid Family Leave (which is really Family Leave "Insurance") in their state, Ellen Bravo the Executive Director of Family Values @ Work, a national network of 16 state and local coalitions helping spur the growing movement for family-friendly workplace policies, offered the following get-started tips:

  1. Stay informed about legislation in your state or nationally by signing up with a group or coalition working on this issue. You can find more information on these websites: Family Values at Work and the National Partnership for Women and Families.
  2. Spread the word. Urge any group you're involved with to become a part of the coalition. Speak up on your Facebook page or on Twitter, in a letter to the editor or in a post for a community or congregation newsletter.
  3. Share your personal experience, positive or negative, with legislators (contact information for state legislators can be found online). Let them know the impact on babies, on those dealing with chronic illness or aging, on families and on caregivers like you when employees do or don't have access to affordable family leave.
  4. Create a personal network of at least 5 people, urge each of them to share their own experience with legislators - and if possible, urge your 5 people to create their own network of 5.

For more, connect with me on Twitter @caliyost.

Work + Life Fit, Inc.