Jeff Van Gundy called out radio personality Howard Stern during the broadcast of the Brooklyn Nets vs. New York Knicks game last Wednesday. Stern learned about it and fired back in his radio show and blasted the popular basketball commentator calling him a “loser” and “midget” among a few choice words.

The banter was prompted when Van Gundy contended during the ESPN broadcast that “people like Stern don’t deserve front row seats.”

Stern did not take JVG’s criticism too lightly and went on a lengthy rant against the former Knicks coach on Tuesday.

“Jeff, I hate to explain it to you, but people who are really busy and have multiple careers going and get up at all hours of the day, they can’t stay at the basketball game,” said the personality once hailed as the “King of All Media.”

And Stern wouldn’t be denied with his attack.

“Has he ever won a championship? So, he wouldn’t really understand the effort it takes,” Stern continued. “I’ve been No. 1 many times in my career, Jeff, and let me tell you something it takes intense dedication. I can’t sit at Knicks game all night, I’ve got way much to do. … Sometimes you have to leave a Knicks game early.”

To end Howard challenged Van Gundy, saying the next time he wants to criticize him, “say it to my f---ing face.”

JVG has yet to respond to the Howard rant.