Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan finally unveiled the first look of his upcoming movie Krrish 3 on Facebook, on July 27, 2013. The actor also revealed that his character's name is Krrishna Mehra and the movie has much more than aliens. Unveiled in a motion poster format, the first look has piqued the curiosity of his fans.

Shrouded in mystery, the hazy Krrish 3 motion poster has the side-face silhouettes of Hrithik Roshan and Vivek Oberoi. The background score and the poster's background give the impression of a war movie. Vivek Oberio is playing the role of an antagonist of this movie. Krrish 3, the superhero science thriller, is the third instalment of Krrish franchisee, produced by Filmkraft Productions. It is scheduled for a Diwali release, November 04, 2013 and also stars Priyanka Chopra.

Hrithik Roshan also had a live-chat session with his fans on Facebook. He answered questions regarding the movie and also his personal life. He told his fans that Rohit, the superhero of Krrish 2, also played by Hrithik Roshan, will be making his comeback in the new movie. He said, "Rohit has a very big role and is one of the main columns of the film. It was such a joy to play Rohit after 10 years."

The actor revealed that the movie almost got shelved because of his backache problem. He told his fans that it would have been difficult to re-start the movie if there had been a break so he decided, "it has to be done." The actor charmed his audience with his frank attitude and humbleness. He told them that Priyanka is "amazing" in stunts and that used him quiete embarrassed.

Marriage is the most beautiful thing that has happened in his life, according to the actor. He never has had a problem when it comes to maintaining a balance between his family and professional life. He said to his fans, "beauty is as beauty does. What makes you beautiful is what you do."

The heart-throb of Bollywood enthralled his audience at Facebook office by singing Senorita from his super-hit movie Zindagi Milegi Na Dobara and he also danced with a fan on a song from his debut movie Koi Mil Gaya.

On the movie's official You Tube page, the motion poster already has more than 100, 000 hits and Krrish 3 has been trending on Twitter. If the buzz online is a barometer to predict the business of a Bollywood movie, then Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan has another 100 crore (INR) hit on his hands. Answering a fan's question on what to expect from the movie, Hrithik Roshan said, "Expect the world and hopefully, we will be able to give you that."