HTC First keeps you close to all your friends and loved one in real time using the Facebook Home launcher. It features steady stream of photos and posts from friends right on the home screen which refreshes automatically. But why did AT&T dropped HTC First to only 99 cents under contract?

AT&T tempts consumer groups to pick the HTC First for only 99 cents under a 2-year contract. The network carrier is hoping to push the device to the edge using a price drop. The device features mainly the Facebook Home launcher on top of the near-vanilla 4.1 Jelly Bean Android version, 4.3-inches of screen display with 1280 x 720 resolution, 1.4GHz dual-core processor and 5MP camera with BSI sensor.

99 Cents Bargain Deal

You can purchase the HTC First for $350.99 if you don't want any contract and now for only 99 cents under a 2-year contract. AT&T dropped the phone price to $99 before and currently markets the device for such a cheap price.

Why 99 Cents Only?

Both HTC and AT&T denied the rumours about low sale and bad response on Facebook Home on why the price has been lowered, extremely. It is a simply move of promotional effort which happens all the time in the mobile industry.

According to the HTC spokeswoman's statements quoted by PC Mag, "Promotional pricing is common in the mobile industry."

"We do price promotions like this all the time," said AT&T

AT&T is not limited only to HTC First. The network also offers both HTC One and Samsung Galaxy S4. Users are encouraged to take advantage of such cheap offer before the promo ends.

"We think this is a good move by AT&T," according to a Facebook spokeswoman.

Brad Molen from Engadget tweets that HTC First made a price drop and it is only a promotional event which can restore back the original price to $99 once the deal ends.

HTC First gained positive remarks due to its build quality and ergonomic design regardless of the Facebook Home installed. It is easy to use and does not depend on the modified home launcher provided. Owners can use the HTC stock launcher anytime, as desired.