HTC is saving the best to come in the few months ahead and its latest offering, the dual-core One SV, is a straightforward midrange smartphone intended to woo the budget-conscious buyers.

Key specs of the One SV clearly indicated that HTC has no design to pit the phone against the giants like iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3, with its Snapdragon processor, 1GB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage, 1800mAh battery and a 5MP rear camera indeed paling in comparison.

Nexus 4 will easily trounce this HTC serving powered by Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich. From skin to its inside contents, the One SV is no match to the Google smartphone's generous servings that is topped by a very attractive price tag. Best of all, Nexus 4 is zippy with JellyBean 4.2.2.

While the One SV comes with an Adreno 305 GPU powering its 4.3-inch super LCD-2 display, it will struggle with the LG-built HD image and video rendering found on Nexus 4.

And even brushing aside the Nexus 4 comparison, CNET is not sold on the HTC phone's solid but uninspired look. Blog postings confirmed that at first glance, the One SV frame looks uninviting, coming on black and white in Asia and an additional red for the U.S. release.

BGR News, however, saw good points on the phone that seemed to have borrowed some attributes from its muscled cousin, the Droid DNA.

"(One SV has) a terrific display for a mid-range handset. Colours are vivid, it gets nice and bright, and it's surprisingly clear for a 4.3-inch display with so few pixels," BGR's review said.

It also pointed out that the Flame (red) rendition of the One SV is downright gorgeous. "It combines two different shades of red - a lighter red with an orange hue on the back and a deeper red around the edges - and the result is a phone that will definitely turn some heads."

Yet in the real-world functions, the One SV can only deliver what it is packed with, and they're not too much, BGR said. It is not surprising that overall performance is midrange at best. Buyers will surely get what they pay for and no more.

One SV comes with an LTE chip but it's doubtful that consumers where the handset is being offered will enjoy unimpeded and superfast internet connection, no thanks to limited telco support.

If telecom companies would pick up this HTC smartphone and nudge its price, which stands currently at $US350, within the affordable level, it is likely that more will get to appreciate the One SV, which Android Central described as "built like a tank, looks absolutely stunning and performs well above."

"With some solid marketing and attractive pricing at a larger carrier, (the One SV) could certainly do well among subscribers seeking a low-cost phone that stands out from the crowd," BGR added.

But without a more expansive network support, HTC's One SV will find it hard to fully take off, its potentials stifled by too little market exposure, CNET said.