Hugh Jackman
Australian actor Hugh Jackman attends the "X-Men: Days of Future Past" world movie premiere in New York May 10, 2014. REUTERS

With constant speculation surrounding Hugh Jackman's exit from the role of Wolverine because he is getting older than the role would allow, he reveals that he will not only reprise the role, he will do so in back-to-back films with "X-Men Apocalypse" filming directly before the "Wolverine 3."

Jackman further states that getting in character and staying in character is easier with the films shooting closely together: "Even though I was complaining about it because I found out about 'X-Men: Days of Future Past' a month before I finished 'The Wolverine', so I was already planning on my cheat meals, It's much easier because it's tough to get there, physically, but once you're there, it's easier to maintain it."

Producer Lauren Schuler Donner is keen on sticking to a tight schedule:"Well, we announced Apocalypse to come out in 2016, so that means we have to shoot next summer. And then we'd have to shoot our new Wolverine movie either before or after that. I think after because it will come out after."

No formal announcement has been made towards the inclusion of the character of Wolverine in "X-Men Apocalypse" but both Jackman and the producers have stated their intention of trying to shoot the movies closely together for Jackman's benefit in order to help him keep his physique.

In an interview with Collider during the recent press day for "X-men: Days of Future Past", Producer Hutch Parker made this statement: "I think the goal will be Apocalypse for 2016, which means at the latest [filming begins] in summer 2015, and then the same thing with Wolverine, either before or after, but based on the script."

"X-Men: Apocalypse" is set to come out on May 27, 2016 and the third "Wolverine" movie is set for March 3, 2017.