The anticipated opening of the two-part conclusion of "The Hunger Games: Mokingjay" will be very soon, the film is scheduled to be released on November 21, 2014 and November 20, 2015. The Katniss Everdeen saga will start with new characacters as the new installment of film series will hit the theaters.

So here are the new charcters and the Hollywood celebs playing them. Enjoy!

President Alma Coin - Julianne Moore

As President Alma Coin

The leader of District Thirteen, President Coin will be at the center of the rebellion as she plays an ambiguous figure in Katniss' life. This grey haired leader doesn't care about anything, she is cruel and doesn't want Peeta or even Katniss to live even after the war. She thinks that "The Hunger Games" winner's role is to die a martyr to drive the rebellion further. Her evil plan is to hold a new Hunger Games and use the children of the Capitol officials as the tributes when Disctrict 13 win the war.

Cressida - Natalie Dormer

As Cressida

A former Capitol citizen, Cressida is the director of the rebel's propos. A some kind of a reality show that documents Katniss' life for the rest of the Disrict. She's bald and she has a lot of body modifications with the green vine tattoos across her head. She is responsible for Katniss' great speech against the Capitol.

Annie Cresta - Stef Dawson

As Annie Cresta

The beloved of Finnick Odair (Sam Clafin), Annie was captured by the Capitol after Finnick escaped the 75th Hunger Games. She's a Hunger Games champion, but the game left her broken but her injury doesn't stop their love for each other. She marries Finnick after she returned but her expereince in the arena never made her the same. This former tribute usually covers her ears when she gets nervous to protect herself from reality.

Messalla - Evan Ross

As Messalla.

He is Cressida's assistant that helps her as she documents Katniss Everdeen life and goes with Squad 451 to film propos. Since he lived in one of the Capitol's apartment, he even helped his team to find food when they were hiding.