Look who has joined cast of Hunger Games sequel. The Oscar nominated actress Julianne Moore has been roped in by the makers of successful book adaptation "Hunger Games" sequel to play the president Alma Coin. According to the announcement made by the distributors of the film, Julianne Moore would be the part of third and fourth franchise of the film.

The "Children of Men" actress would be working along Miley Cyrus ex -fiancé Liam Hemsworth and Oscar winning actress Jennifer Lawrence. So is Julianne Moore fit to the play the cold and manipulative president in the "Hunger Games: Mockingjay"?

Julianne Moore is a veteran actress who has acted in Oscar nominated film such as Boogie Nights, The Lost World and other. With her acting prowess, she would be able to add novelty value to the character of Alma Coin.

Moore has played the part of controversial president in the movie "Game Change" befittingly. This gives her much stronger ropes to hang on to the pivotal role of President Alma Coin. Interestingly the writer of 'Game Change' is also writing the upcoming sequel of the "Hunger Games".

Julianne Moore's presence in the films adds a lot of credibility to the film which was previously helmed by a younger cast. Having seasoned actors in the film always helps it to reach the wider audiences and Moore would surely add her fanbase to the film.

Also Moore has worked in "Game Change" with the "Hunger Games" actor Woody Harrelson. This instantly adds to Moore's comfort zone and would help her easily slip in the character of 'Coin'.

In her book Katniss Everdeen describes the character of Alma Coin as

"She's fifty or so, with gray hair that falls in an unbroken sheet to her shoulders. I'm somewhat fascinated by her hair, since it's so uniform, so without a fall, a wisp, even a split end. Her eyes are gray, but not like those of people from the Seam. They're very pale, as if almost all the color has been sucked out of them. The color of slush that you wish would melt away".

Looking at the description it seems Julliane Moore has all the abilities to play this role to the tee. Let us know what do you think about Julianne Moore being the party of Hunger Games Franchise.