A husband’s secret footage of his wife going berserk when he did not take her to the lake has become viral online. Jim Allen posted the video on YouTube to show others how his soon-to-be ex-wife threw temper tantrum when she didn’t get her way.

Jim wrote in the caption that his 30-year-old wife, named Whitney in the video, was enraged because he refused to take her to the nearby lake on Saturday. He reasoned out that he needed to get his truck fixed, but Whitney, who can be heard calling her husband James in the footage, wouldn’t listen to him.

“I just want one day... one daaaaaaayyyyy when I can go one the lake. Onnneeee daaaaayyyy!” Whitney cried. “You just do it for me. Why is it so hard?!”

The frustrated wife then kicked the dashboard and screamed some more, while her husband just laughed at her behaviour.

“This is my day to get things done, too, and you’re acting like an 11-year-old who didn’t get a toy from Walmart,” Jim pointed out to his inconsolable wife.

When Whitney started to text her friends, Jim said she’s making him look like the bad guy “all because I’m not taking to the lake you’re throwing a fit. So you’re going to text everybody and get on Facebook and tell everybody what a bad person I am for what? Doing something like general maintenance and stuff and you yell at me because there’s stuff not done at the house?”

His original upload was removed by site administrators from YouTube because it was “a violation of YouTube’s policy prohibiting content designed to harass, bully, or threaten.” Other users have copied and uploaded the video, though.

Here’s a copy of the unbelievable video:

When a commenter asked whether he did in fact promise to take his wife to the lake, James responded that he “didn’t promise anything at all.”

“In fact, I had worked 60 hours that week and told her all week that Saturday was my day to get stuff done around the house. But as usual she threw a fit about it. She has broken doors off the jambs at our house. Needless to say, that was the last day I lived in our house. I have moved out and filed a restraining order against her.”

Jim Allen records wife's tantrum

In his previous comments, Jim also said that his wife is on probation for driving under the influence. They have also tried attending couples’ therapy, but she left when after she showed up late to their first session.

According to Gawker, he knew their marriage was truly over when his wife de-friended him on Facebook.

Commenters on the video either called Whitney a psycho for her immature behaviour or told Jim he was a jerk for embarrassing his wife.

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