Australian Olympic champion, Cathy Freeman maybe just in her first trimester but the legendary sprinter has told the world that she is already taken by her first pregnancy, expressing how she would react when she set first set eyes on her baby.

"I am so totally lost in love with this baby already," Freeman was quoted as telling New Idea magazine, by the Agence France Presse.

The 37-year old medalist also described her reaction upon hearing her child’s heartbeat.

"I was totally overwhelmed when I saw the ultrasound, hearing its heartbeat," Freeman said, added AFP.

"I think it will take my breath away when we first meet," Freeman exclaimed, according to AFP, imagining how she would be when she gives birth to her first baby.

Married to financier, James Murch, the first-mom runner explained however, that while she had survived her first trimester, even though she faced it with a recently-diagnosed with type2 diabetes.

Admitting that she was beset by the news, she clarified that she was encouraged by her doctors’ assurance that her diabetes is expected to disappear when the baby is born.

"Being an elite athlete, I was really healthy, and I was really fit. I was one of the fittest women in the world. And then all of a sudden your body is disappointing you in a way. And it's like your pride gets hurt," Freeman expressed in fraught on how she dealt with her new-found illness, leaving her to inject herself with insulin four times a day.

Freeman is a former 400-metre world champion with four Commonwealth gold medals and an Olympic title to her name. She put her running shoes to rest upon retirement in 2003 at major track and field events.