America’s pop singer, Janet Jackson reveals that she has been called names by her brothers, claiming that she has been verbally abused by them in the process.

According to Reuters, Jackson told NBC correspondent Meredith Vieira in an interview, that even her big brother, Michael Jackson would taunt her about her bottom, when they were both kids. As for her other brothers, names like ‘horse’, ‘pig’ and ‘cow’, appeared to be their words of endearment for her as they would often call her as such.

This disclosed the singer, has prompted her to hurt herself.

"I would literally bang my head up against the wall because I didn't feel attractive," Janet Jackson was quoted as telling NBC, by Reuters.

Jackson related to NBC how she would process her pain internally instead of confronting her brothers and letting them know they are hurting her.

There were times, admitted Jackson, that she would brush aside what Reuters calls the ‘barnyard taunts’ and simply reasoned out for her abusive brothers. Janet said, added Reuters, that she would think that Michael’s remarks about her bottom were ‘probably affectionate’, adding that would just laugh when teased about it. But little did they know what was going on inside her.

"There was a lot of pain in my life. But I did. I felt very unattractive,” Jackson told NBC.

All her pains will be related in the book of Janet Jackson, entitled, "True You: A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself". She said in the NBC interview, which was part of her promotional tour for the book, that her memoir will be published on February 15.