Conrad Murray the doctor who is convicted for the Michael Jackson's death came out in an exclusive interview with The Mail on Sunday, Nov 24, 2013. Conrad was interviewed after he was released from jail after 2 years for charges of "involuntary manslaughter" in Michael Jackson's death case. The deceased singer star's personal doctor revealed some shocking details about the singer from the time of his death and before. "I held Michael Jackson's penis every night," claimed the doctor in the interview with The Mail.

Conrad Murray's Claims about His and Michael Jackson's Relationship as Reported by The Mail

While speaking about his relationship with Michael Jackson, Conrad candidly revealed some details that the world didn't know. Also, the doctor insists on being innocent against the allegations claiming his involvement in his death.

"You want to know how close we were? I held his penis every night to fit a catheter because he was incontinent at night," revealed Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's personal doctor to The Mail in an exclusive interview.

"He wore dark trousers all the time because after he went to the toilet he would drip for hours," continued Conrad Murray.

Following this came more of shocking details by the doctor about Michael Jackson and his life, death and relationships.

"Michael told me he never slept with Debbie Rowe," disclosed Murray.

While talking about his and Jackson's relationship he revealed that they "loved each other as brothers."

"One of the happiest days of my life. This man who had been so lonely, who had spent so many long nights telling me about his pain and anguish, finally felt he could trust someone in his life apart from his children. We were family. We loved each other as brothers," added Conrad Murray.

"Michael trusted no one. The bed chamber smelled because he did not even let maids in there to clean. There were clothes strewn everywhere. Then he looked at me and said, You know, for the rest of your life and my life our names will become inseparable. I asked him, Michael, what do you mean? and he smiled and said, I am clairvoyant," talked Conrad Murray about his and Jackson's relationship to The Mail.

Conrad Murray on Michael Jackson's Death and His Involvement

In his first ever interview since his release from the jail, Murray continues to claim his innocence to the world in Michael Jackson's death case.

"I never gave Michael anything that would kill him. I loved him. I still do. I always will," says Murray.

Murray has been convicted for being responsible for singer star's death which is allegedly caused by giving the lethal injection containing anesthetic propofol. These charges of "involuntary manslaughter" cost the doctor his license and four years of jail time. He was released 3 weeks ago after serving half of his jail penalty.

While claiming his innocence and love for Michael Jackson, he echoed same sentiments on an Australian news show "60 Minutes" while being interviewed by the show presenter Liz Hayes.

"I love Michael. I love Michael Jackson, I love him. I was his closest friend. You see, I was Michael's doctor, but I spent more time with him as a friend than taking care of him medically. I love Michael, I will mourn his loss forever. I am so sad that he's not here," told Murray to Liz Hayes on "60 Minutes."

While speaking about Jackson's death he says: "'By the end, Michael Jackson was a broken man."

He also claimed that the singer used propofol to put himself to sleep. In 2009 he discovered that Jackson owned a personal stash of propofol.

"He told me there were doctors in Germany that gave it to him. I didn't agree with this at all, but Michael wasn't the kind of man you can say no to. He would always find a way," told Conrad Murray to The Mail.

"So I acquired propofol and gave it to him over a two-and-a-half month period as I weaned him off it, which I finally achieved three days before he died. He begged me for the drug because he wanted to sleep, because then he didn't have to think. He was in crisis at the end of his life, filled with panic and misery," he continued.

"I would sit with him when he was on a propofol drip. It's a very fast-acting drug that disappears from the body quickly. Fifteen minutes after the drug is administered, it's gone. I gave him very light, light sedation," he added.

Continuing to reveal details about Michael Jackson to The Mail, Conrad Murray also said the he was not addicted to propofol but was addicted to other drugs that were given to by other doctors.

"Michael was a decrepit man. He was frail. I had to force him to eat, to drink fluids. He always ate the same meal: rice and chicken. He was under enormous pressure. The children told him they were tired of living in hotels and rented places, but Michael was broke," revealed Conrad Murray while talking about Michael Jackson's state in his last few days.

He also claimed that he was aware of stars drug addiction and said: "I did not kill Michael Jackson. He was a drug addict. 'Michael Jackson accidentally killed Michael Jackson." (Click here to read the full interview)

Conrad Murray on Michael Jackson's Childhood

Conrad Murray also reported that Michael Jackson had a troubled childhood and he partly blames his mother for his condition.

"He had a very unhappy childhood and was beaten and abused by his father," told Conrad to The Mail.

"He transformed himself because he wanted to obscure where he came from. He wanted to look different from his family. He wanted porcelain, flawless skin. Those were his words," doctor continued.

Conrad Murray on Michael Jackson being a Paedophile

When Liz Hayes the presenter of Australian news show "60 Minutes" asked Conrad Murray about his thoughts on Michael Jackson being a paedophile, he took a long pause before answering the question: "I'm not prepared to answer that question, not now. And I tell you the reason why - because my interview with you is candid and honest, and I will not make up or fabricate anything," told Conrad Murray to Liz Hayes on "60 Minutes."

"I'll never be unfair to Michael and I'm not here to destroy Michael. You asked a question and I'm not prepared to answer - not now," he continued.

Michael Jackson's Ex-Wife Responds to Conrad Muarray's Interview
Debbie Rowe ex-wife of Michael Jackson is annoyed and furious with Conrad Murray for the claims he made regarding her in the interviews, which are full of shocking details and claims made by the convicted doctor about star's life, death and relationships. "A Jackson fan will shoot him dead, and I'd buy the bullet," told Debbie Rowe to TMZ while responding to Conrad Murray's claims regarding her in his interviews.