Controversy hasn't left footballer Ryan Giggs as the father of Imogen Thomas breaks his silence about the gagging order and the blackmailing allegations.

It appears that the wrongdoings Manchester United footballer Ryan Giggs has not just caused hurt to the former Miss Wales, but also to her innocent father. Charles Thomas, a past footballer and a current education officer at Llanelli, speaks to The Sun to clear his daughter's name and blackmailing allegations.

"It is wicked of him not to have made some statement to clear her name over the blackmail allegation made in court. His failure to do that makes him a gutless coward in my opinion", says the father in the interview. Giggs' super injunction and gagging order has prohibited Imogen Thomas, along with The Sun, from filing any suits or speaking out against Giggs. According to Giggs' lawyers, Imogen Thomas tried to extort money from the athlete so she can be 'silenced'. This has left Thomas emotionally disturbed and mentally affected from all the controversy.

"She was prescribed anti-depressants and sleeping pills because she has hardly slept this past two months", adds Charles in the same interview. The father also stated how the former beauty pageant winner kept the affair hidden so it wouldn't cause any stir or problems from him. An ex-footballer, Charles mentions how he sympathizes with Giggs with all the controversy and illicit affairs waiting to be acted upon, but what he didn't like was the coerced silence Giggs has bestowed upon his daughter.

"Imogen has told me that it was just a quick fling at first, but then things gathered pace and, before she knew it, she was deeply in love with him", admits Charles to The Sun. The father also mentioned how his daughter wants 'to have her day in court', and that Imogen has a lot to say about the affair. "She feels terribly sorry for the hurt the affair must have caused his wife. But she can't change the fact that the affair happened", adds the father in the interview.