'Ineffective' Homeopathy Does Not Treat Any Health Condition, Research Reveals

According to a recent Australian report, homeopathy is no more considered as a “safe treatment option” for cure of any medical condition. A thorough review of 1,800 research papers on homeopathic treatment led the Australian medical research body to comment on its effectiveness.
The findings were revealed by the National Health and Medical Research Council or NHMRC, which studied 1,800 cases using placebo control, that is, the health of the person using homeopathic treatment was compared to those who were not using the homeopathic treatment.
According to the medical research body, an effective homeopathic treatment must result in overall health improvement of an individual, irrespective of the placebo effect. However, out of 1,800 cases observed, only 225 met the defined criteria.
According to a statement released by the NHMRC, "People who choose homeopathy may put their health at risk if they reject or delay treatments for which there is good evidence for safety and effectiveness," reported Mid-Day.
Earlier, several studies have been conducted to prove the effectiveness of the homeopathic medicines, however, due to the size of the sample population and lack of proper evidence, the studies have failed to prove anything remarkable.
While on the other hand, Paul Glasziou, the chair of the NHMRC committee working on the homeopathic research, believed that the latest revelation will urge the pharmacists to reconsider about stocking the homeopathic medicines.
“There will be a trail of people who will not respond to this report and who will say it is all a conspiracy of the establishment,” said Glasziou, reporter of The Times Of India.
Homeopathy is a form of alternative treatment therapy based on the principle that agents which cause illness symptoms in a healthy individual may be used for treatment of an ill patient. Homeopathic medicine is produced by diluting parts of plants, animals or chemicals in alcohol or water.
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