Marketers would think the last thing they need is another content management platform. There is already a multitude available but Intel thinks otherwise. The company is rolling out their CMS software offering marketers more control over their campaigns.

Another CMS software may not sound worth checking out but if a tech giant and industry leader releases it, it should arguably be worth checking out. Intel has been successful in positioning itself as the top blue-chip player today. Aside from their successful line of processors and products, the company now offers a content management system dubbed Retail Client Manager.

"Creating, deploying and managing an effective digital marketing campaign is currently a time-consuming and resource-intensive proposition for marketers and businesses," Intel said in their statement.

"The result is limited and localised marketing campaigns effectively minimising the reach and impact on a large scale."

The interface caters more to marketers instead of technology specialists. Compared before, Intel is working on giving more control to people designing advertising or promotional campaigns. People can create programs and manage content down to individual screens. The program supports formats like web content, Adobe Flash and HD video.

Intel is hoping the retailers will get the product together with their AIM Suite. Intel's AIM Suite is an anonymous viewer analytics technology. The analytics program can measure frequencies for gender, age group and even individual dwell times. Having the capacity to do this allows promotions and other ads to be targeted depending on the demographics.

"Standardised and manageable digital place-based signage platforms are a key industry requirement that allows marketers to reach tech-savvy shoppers. We are working closely with Intel to integrate the Intel Retail Client Manager into our buying platform to offer advertisers an efficient method of reaching on-the-go audiences and delivering experiences that are relevant, effective, managed and secure," Patrick Bonomo, chief operating officer of WPP's London-based subsidiary Spafax Networks, explained. The company focuses on advertising to out-of-home consumers.