The 9th Day of the 2014 Winter Olympics will be a special day for the participating athletes because the host of next year's Winter Games will be distributing medals embedded with pieces of the meteorite that struck the city of Chelyabinsk in Russia earlier this year.

According to R-Sport, medal winners of seven Olympic sports scheduled on that day will be given the special medal made to commemorate one year anniversary of the meteorite crashed that injured 1,600 people and destroyed $33 million in the Chelyabinsk region.

"We will hand out our medals to all the athletes who will win gold on that day, because both the meteorite strike and the Olympic Games are the global events," Chelyabinsk Region Culture Minister Alexei Betekhtin told R-Sport via USA Today.

American skier and Tiger Woods' girlfriend Lindsay Vonn has a chance to win the out-of-this-world medal mainly because she's the favourite in the Super-G medal round slated on that day.

All vying for the medals are the competitors for the men's 1,500 speedskating, men's skeleton, and two short track speedskating.