An international survey by content delivery provider Akamai Technologies has found that of all the continents in the world, Internet speed was found to be at its fastest in Asia.

In its latest third quarter 2012 State of the Internet report, Hong Kong continued to top Akamai's list as home of the highest peak connection speed in the world, boasting an average peak connection rate of 54.1Mbps during the third quarter of 2012.

As to highest average connection speed for the quarter, South Korea was number one at 14.7 Mbps, followed by Japan at 10.7 Mbps and Hong Kong at 8.9 Mbps.

Although the same report also found out that the world's average connection speed dropped by seven per cent to 2.8 Mbps between the second and third quarters of 2012, it was still a minute figure compared to the uptick in the global average connection speeds, which was 11 per cent, year on year.

The report likewise studied attack traffic, where it found that China launches most of the cyber attacks to the world's computer networks. During the third quarter of 2012, 33 per cent of the cyber attack traffic experience by the world came from China, second was the United States at 13 per cent and Turkey at 4.7 per cent. Russia and Taiwan were the other two countries that completed the top five list.

Despite poor Internet infrastructure and the fact that not all of its 1.3 billion people have no immediate access to the Internet at present, the number of Chinese with access to 4Mbps broadband jumped year-over-year to as much as 79 per cent. The number of those with access to connections speeds of 10Mbps or higher was likewise up at 70 per cent.