Despite describing two weeks ago that the preparations for the Summer Olympic Games being made by Brazilian city Rio de Janeiro being the worst he has seen, International Olympic Committee (IOC) Vice President John Coates denied that London will take over and host the international sports event in 2016.

He responded to a report by the Evening Standard in London that the British capital was being sounded out by the IOC to take over Rio's hosting job.

"That's (London) a nonsense. There's absolutely no plan for London as an alternative. Absolutely no plan B," The Sydney Morning Herald quoted Coates.

"There's no alternative of going back to another city. The villages are sold. Same as saying come back to Sydney. Our village is gone. But we will work through this and get to Brazil."

Coates was quoted as saying in an Olympic forum in Sydney on April 29, "We have become very concerned. They are not ready in many, many ways. And this is a city that's got social issues that also have to be addressed; a country that's also trying to deal with the FIFA World Cup coming up in a few months."

Brazil plays host to the FIFA World Cup 2014 with the first games scheduled in June, but four football stadiums have yet to be finished.

Coates said he is confident that Brazil would be able to address the problems because of expert people on the ground, namely representatives from the IOC international federations, organising committee and three levels of government that he expects to band together and save the games.

He added the AOC , which he is also president, will announce a television broadcaster for the Rio games by June.