Look out world. It seems not everything fake or imitation just originates from China. Another Asian country, war-torn Afghanistan, has been reportedly selling iPhone 5s for $700 courtesy of a retailer not recognized by the Apple Store hierarchy.

Perhaps would-be customers can take a cue on the store's location to get a grasp of the authenticity of things. It may be located alright in Afghanistan's largest mall, in the posh Share-e-Naw district, but this very area has been subjected to two suicide bombing bravados since 2010, the very same year the fake Afghanistan Apple Store opened.

Selling the 16GB-capacity iPhone 5 by $50 higher than the ones sold in the United States, the fake Apple Store nonetheless said it enjoys brisk sales of the sought-after gadget.

On a daily basis, it sells five or six iPhones plus one or two laptops, not bad considering margins are very slim, only about $10 to $50 across products, Quartz quoted Mohammed Nasery, the store's sales manager, as saying.

The gadgets were mostly sold to young locals who work for private companies, Mr Nasery said. But while demand for the product abounds, its availability remained slim, he said.

But despite low margins, the owners of the store are now considering expanding to include establishing a repair centre, a Web site and a second outlet in another Kabul location.

It is not clear though if all expansion plans will carry the Apple name and logo.