There had been rumours that both iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S will be launched on Sept 10 and will go on sale by Sept 20.

Proof to these rumours had finally emerged as insider from Apple Inc.'s suppliers revealed that the company had already instructed supplier Hon Hai Precision Industry to start its shipping on September, The Wall Street Journal reported.

According to the source, Apple Inc. had particularly instructed Hon Hai to begin its shipping both for a new high-end device, which can be the iPhone 5S, and low-end device, which can possibly be the iPhone 5C.

Apple Inc. had reportedly wants for Apple users to have both iPhone 5S and 5C on September for the company to regain its top place in the smartphone market. Launching two new iPhone models at around the same time was unprecedented for previous Apple Inc.'s product launching. Apple had launched its products in the past with at least a week interval after each product.

Sources who were working for the top two suppliers for Apple Inc. said that they have started producing components for two iPhone devices as early as June of 2013. The components they were mass-producing were intended for high-end iPhone, hinted by the metal casings, and low-end iPhone, as hinted by the plastic casings.

In another report from ALLTHINGSD news portal, Apple Inc is said to have an event scheduled on Sept 10. The report was not clear whether this event is going to be the product launching for both iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C or it will be an all new different company event.

A spokeswoman for Apple Inc refused to give comments about this.

Meanwhile, Apple Inc.'s toughest competitor, Samsung Electronics Co., is also planning an event on Sept 4 ahead of Apple Inc.

According to related reports and sources from Samsung, Samsung will launch its new large-screen Galaxy Note phablet and Samsung Galaxy Gear.

Galaxy Note phablet is a mobile device which can both be use as a phone and a tablet. The Galaxy Gear, on the other hand, is a smartwatch.

It looked like that Apple Inc., no matter what it plans to do, cannot overcome the tough competition against Samsung.

Earlier this quarter, it was reported that Apple Inc.'s share plummeted by 40 per cent in just six months.