It will be a June launch for the new iPhone and the likelihood is Apple has set a double-punch, in which both the rumoured iPhone 5S and the budget iPhone version will be unveiled simultaneously.

The twin debut, according to KGI Securities, is aimed to secure Apple's grip on the global smartphone market, sustaining on the momentum it regained against chief rival Samsung in Q4 2012 when the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S outpaced the Galaxy S3 in quarterly sales.

Accordingly, the tech giant is unleashing the dynamic duo, the iPhone 5S and its cheaper sibling, a few months from now. Ming-chi Kuo of KGI Securities is convinced that Apple fans can expect the exciting new features below that would deny the competition to snatch market share.

A quad-core A7 processing chip

Apple has advanced the arrival of 64-bit computing muscle to its gadget lines, fully aware that rival handsets are fast catching up. Recent releases from HTC and Sony flash mobile phones that run on quad-core CPU with 1.8GHz as the benchmark speed. The iPhone 5S would want to trump the best Android phone out there once it becomes available, including Samsung's Galaxy S4 that reports said will be powered by an 8-core Exynos chip.

Apple's iOS 7

It is estimated that by second half of 2013, Google will push out its latest Android Key Lime Pie, displaying further improvements of the features that the tech world loved with the JellyBean. Apple will, of course, match that onslaught with new power that will come with its iOS 7.

The mobile OS started testing early this year and is expected to be fully prepared in conjunction with Apple's barrage of gadget intros in mid-2013. The company will rollout its iPhone and iPad editions within the period, hoping that push will lead to recovery of the share values it lost in the past few months.

Smart camera

While Apple is not competing head-on with the 13MP cam sensor that new phones are installed with, its 8MP shooter will instead get a new feature called Smart Flash, which allows the automatic use of "white or yellow flash according to lighting conditions." This added capability will produce better images for iPhone 5S buyers, Mr Kuo said.

Better security

Apple did not purchase AuthenTec last year for nothing. The tech is employing the fingerprint security expertise of the firm by including a 'fingerprint sensor' "under the Home button (of the new iPhone 5S), improving its security and usability." This added premium will bolster the security features of the smartphone, limiting access to its owner by use of biometrics technology.

More iPhone variety

While Mr Kuo skipped out on speculations that the iPhone 5S will retail with more colour options, he did not dispute the exciting possibility. Earlier reports have suggested that Apple is allowing the use of iPod colour flavours to its flagship smartphone, purportedly to widen its market reach.

The 'little' brother

Cheaper it may be but reports said the mass-geared iPhone edition will have a larger screen though KGI contends Apple will maintain the 4-inch screen size even on the more affordable handset.

Apart from being the scaled-down iPhone version, in terms of specs and features, the "low-cost iPhone 5 (will sport) a hybrid casing of fibreglass and plastic (to) make it lighter and slimmer than general plastic casing and easier to make in various colours." Mr Kuo said.

On the other hand, the new iPhone 5S will keep its predecessors' aluminium body-built and should have a lighter profile compared to the cheaper version, the analyst added.