Displaced families from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing the violence in the Iraqi town of Sinjarl west of Mosul, arrive at Dohuk province, August 4, 2014. REUTERS/Ari Jala

Australia will consider upgrading the country's terror alertness level after the UK has announced it has increased the risk to "severe" after one day. Attorney General George Brandis has confirmed that the terror alert raised by UK intelligence agencies was seen as a move to weaken the threat of foreign fighters going back to Australia.

According to reports, Britain's increased terror alert has sparked concerns that a terror attack was "highly likely," although intelligence agencies did not find anything to suggest an attack was to be expected.

As many as 60 Australians are believed to have fought alongside extremist group ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Reports said more than 100 citizens are believed to have aided ISIS in recruiting foreign fighters and suicide bombers in Australia.

Brandis said it should be treated a "serious concern" that Australian citizens have become active in extremist groups. He said the Australian government continues to remain in close contact with the British government.

The National Terrorism Public Alert System in Australia continues to be at "Medium" which suggests a terrorist attack is possible. Brandis said the terror alert level is constantly being reviewed by the government based on the information provided by intelligence and security agencies.

Deputy Prime Minister Warren Truss said Australians can still travel to UK, but they are advised to follow any warnings for their own safety.

Meanwhile, the king of Saudi Arabia has warned that terrorists from the Middle East would soon attack America unless something is done. Without mentioning the name of a single group, King Abdullah said the jihadists will quickly reach Europe and the United States.

The king told local media that if the terrorists are "neglected," they will arrive in Europe after a month. The U.S. will be next on the list after Europe a month after. He declared "terror has no borders" and the threat could affect other countries outside of the Middle East.

Abdullah has previously condemned the barbaric beheadings of ISIS and mass killings. He said ISIS militants "do not know humanity" and denounced their actions as against the teachings of Allah.

He addressed world leaders to fight terrorism with "force, reason and speed."

On the day the Saudi Arabian king issued his warning, U.S. airstrikes and drones were launched against ISIS in Mosul Dam in Iraq.

Along with the U.S., France and Britain, Australia participated in humanitarian aid drops at the request of the Iraqi government to provide food and water to thousands of stranded Shiite Turkmen in the town of Amirli.