What makes an ideal workplace environment? As far as the findings issued this week by Business Review Weekly (BRW) are concerned, the general happiness and contentment of workers greatly depend on the culture being espoused by their employers.

In the case of this year's 'Best Place to Work' honour roll, the Fairfax publication noted that the top 50 companies that Australian workers deemed as topnotch employers were noticeably comprised of many technology-related firms.

In fact, the BRW report said, the first 10 slots was dominated by tech firms, with the top five all populated by companies such as OBS, NetApps, Google, E-Web Marketing and Altis Consulting.

"Information technology companies have again dominated the top of our list," the BRW report said.

"With competition for staff so fierce in this sector they have to ensure they go above and beyond to capture the best candidates," added the report.

As many as 20 companies that deal with science and technology businesses entered the full list, the report said, which BRW had jointly compiled with the Great Place To Work Institute Australia.

But as expected, more and more larges companies, many of which have parent companies from abroad, were voted in by employees as most fit to establish a fully conducive workplace environment, owing mostly to the huge resources at their disposal.

The survey covered close to 300 business operations in Australia and queried more than 68,000 workers, BRW said.

The highest ranking was bestowed to Microsoft consultancy firm OBS because as BRW editor Kate Mills noted, "OBS has a high level of trust with employees, and a great team environment."

Overall, Ms Mills told The Collie Mail that the top firm met all the possible requirements for it to be regarded as the best place for an Aussie worker to be connected with and "there is a lot to learn from how they do business."

"Australia's best places to work offer everything from massages to gym memberships, days off for birthdays, a voice with management, flexible working hours and more," she added.

In the report, OBS Managing Director Andy Neumann said that his firm made sure that fun and pride dominates its working environment, which he added was enhanced by the company's policy of openness for its skilled workers.

"The point of being a great place to work is that you have to be able to produce that environment consistently," Mr Neumann said.

BRW said that what attract employees most are the company's full package offerings, meaning high-salary alone would not induced love and loyalty among workers for their employers.

Apart from the bonuses and perks offered by companies, employees said they also appreciate efforts by their bosses to address their other needs, the report said.

Counselling that deals with personal and financial concerns have emerged as one of the offerings that earned praises from Aussie workers while a significant number also lauded their bosses for also showing sincere concerns on their physical health, BRW said.

Even the inclusion of charity programmes by many firms were cited by employees as positive contribution to their well-being, the report said, which gave the staff the fulfilling impression that they also make a difference outside of the workplace set up.