Jacqueline Bisset made waves at the Golden Globes this year not only because she won "Best Actress in a Supporting Role" for her role as Lady Cremmone in the BBC's "Dancing on the Edge," but also because of the rambling acceptance speech she delivered. She just might catch flak again on her opinion of women these days and of the feminism movement.

In a recent interview with Telegraph UK however, no rambling can be heard from Bisset. Instead, at 70, she delivers a powerful reflection of what it means to age in today's world and what she really thinks of feminism. She also shared how she feels about the reaction her messy speech garnered.

While Emma Watson just garnered widespread praise over her speech on feminism, saying it's a noble movement that even men should participate in, Bisset is of the opinion that women these days just complain too much.

"Women are becoming so tough," she shared, when asked what she changes she has observed of women over the years. "I have never fully embraced feminism. I certainly thought it had some good points, but..." But women whinge too much nowadays? "Well I don't know, but I think they probably do. Then again, women take on too much so of course they whinge, because they're absolutely exhausted. That's our mistake, always wanting to be perfect."

Bisset certainly does not strive to be perfect she shares, especially when it comes to looking young, an obsession of the aging population.

Turning 70 this month, Bisset shared that she's at peace with her age. Unlike the norm in the entertainment industry, Bisset does not see the need to have surgeries to look younger. She shared she would rather spend time doing what she likes while agonize over her looks. She still looks very pretty for her age though.

"You can't fight gravity, and I don't want to have all kinds of operations. There is only so much time in life and I'd rather read all the articles that interest me in the paper than spend three hours in front of the mirror. As somebody once said to me: 'Life is short. You're really just here for a cup of coffee'," she shared.

The interview touched on her bizaare speech on the Golden Globes and it was obvious that Bisset did not enjoy what happened because of it. She shared it was nice to get the award, but the reaction to her speech was "not fun."