James Franco did not sleep with Lindsay Lohan, James Franco said. Despite his name being included in the recovering actress’ list of the men she purportedly slept with, Franco has denied being one of them.

In Touch magazine has obtained the list Lohan allegedly wrote herself of the men she had sex with. According to the tabloid, the 27-year-old was trying to impress her friends when she jotted down names on a piece of paper on January 30 at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

“It was her personal conquest list,” the source told the magazine. “She was trying to impress her friends with the list and then tossed it aside.”

The names included 36 high profile personalities, including her ex-boyfriend Wilmer Valderrama, Ashton Kutcher, Ryan Philippe, Heath Ledger, Justin Timberlake, Colin Farrell, Adam Levine, and Zac Efron. There were also names that were blurred out by In Touch.

Franco was included in the list, but claimed that he has never slept with the actress.

Franco is promoting his poetry book titled “Directing Herbert White,” which features poems about celebrities, including Lohan. Even with the mention of the former child actor’s name, Franco thought that it’s fine.

“No, I didn’t write anything bad about them. And Lindsay herself has told lies about me with her people-she’s-slept-with list! So I feel like what I said is much less than what she’s said,” he told L.A. Magazine.

It’s not the first time that Franco has denied that anything happened between him and Lohan.

In 2013, he told Howard Stern on his Sirius XM radio show that he has turned down sex with the actress in the past.

“I don’t want to brag about it. I don’t know how that got out,” he said. “She was having issues even then, so you feel weird. Honestly, she was a friend. I’ve met a lot of people that are troubled and sometimes you don’t want to do that.”