Director James Gunn arrives at the premiere of his film "Super"
Director James Gunn arrives at the premiere of his film "Super" in Hollywood, California March 21, 2011. Reuters/Fred Prouser

James Gunn, the director of "Guardians of the Galaxy" revealed that a crossover film with the "Avengers" would be highly unlikely. He spoke to Hal Rudnick of Screen Junkies about how little he thinks the "Avengers" should factor into "Guardians of the Galaxy" because they are two separate films with different focuses, even if they are from the same Marvel universe. Read on to learn more about what Gunn thinks of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Avengers" crossover.

Hal Rudnick of Screen Junkies interviewed James Gunn and posted a video about it on their official YouTube channel last Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014. Rudnick asked Gunn some questions that several Screen Junkies fans wanted to ask the "Guardians of the Galaxy" director. The said video can be viewed at the end of this article.

One of the questions that Rudnick asked Gunn was how much the darker tone of "Avengers: Age of Ultron" will affect "Guardians of the Galaxy 2."

"[We're] trying to make [Avengers] affect it as little as possible," Gunn told Rudnick in the Screen Junkies report.

"We really are separate from the Avengers, and I don't think people should assume too many things about the Guardians play in all this. We have our own galaxy to take care of. We have our own galaxy to save. Earth is the Avengers' province. Thinking that everything is going to come together in a perfect way is not necessarily the way it's gonna happen," Gunn added.

Well, that bursts the bubble of hope for the fans of "Avengers" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" that are wishing for the characters of the two films to come together in one epic movie. But, you'll never know, things could still change in the future because nothing is set in stone.

Guess we'll just have to wait for the "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" which will be released on May 5, 2017. As for "Avengers," there are some upcoming films in the horizon for this franchise including "Avengers: Age of Ultron" which will be shown on May 1, 2015, "Avengers: Infinity War Part 1" which will be out in theatres on May 4, 2018 and "Avengers: Infinity War Part 2" which is slated for release on May 8, 2019.

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Watch The "Guardians" Director James Gunn Answers YOUR Questions!! Video Below:

CREDIT: YouTube/Screen Junkies


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