Before landing the coveted role as Christian Grey in E.L. James book adaptation of "Fifty Shades of Grey," Jamie Dornan is known as Paul Spector in BBC Two's crime drama "The Fall." Now on its season 2, Dornan revealed that before transitioning himself from modeling to acting he has to work hard to get the role.

"I worked my dick off for that role," revealed the Northern Irish lad in an interview with The Evening Standard. "People attach too much to the idea of being a model, that you can only be a certain way to have done it. You will always be dealing with it. You're an actor who used to be a model who never trained; there are not many directors queuing up."

The 31-year-old actor also revealed that he wasn't passionate about modeling but was drawn to it because of the big offer. "It's never given me a thrill, [but] it would take a very foolish man to turn down the stuff that was offered to me," he said.

Although his two roles are completely different, the Manchester United supporter is proud of what he accomplished in "The Fall." Together with co-star Gilliam Anderson, the upcoming season of the crime drama is now on production in Belfast.

After a thrilling season 1, Anderson warned their fans to expect the unexpected and they will never believe on what's going to happen next. She also hinted that there will be some sex scenes ahead, "maybe even one with co-star Jamie Dornan."

"He is the sweetest guy", says the 45-year-old actress about her 31-year-old co-star. "But I never read '50 Shades,' so I don't understand the hype!"

"The Fall" season 2 production is expected to last for four months and with additional episode to cover more storyline. Season 1 only features three episodes and this time around the writers are covering more storyline to hype up the upcoming season, which includes more cat and mouse chase between DSI Stella Gibson and serial killer Paul Spector.