Dozens of Japanese commuters were just normally dealing with the Tokyo rush hour on Monday, July 22, until one woman slipped in the gap between the train and platform. Approximately 40 passengers and railroad employees united in tilting the 32-ton train to one side in order to help the trapped female passenger.

Photo credit: Twitter/@grasswire

The unidentified woman in her 30s was getting off the train at the Minami-Urawa station, north of Tokyo, when she fell down in the gap. The incident was publicly announced and it drove the Japanese commuters to join forces with the train's officials in pushing the carriage and pull out the woman to safety.

Takashi Tsukahara, the spokesman for JR East, decalred that the train carriages have the capability to be tilted or be swayed from side to side due to its suspension system. The crowd gave out a loud cheer when the woman was safely pulled out from the gap.

Fortunately, the victim did not have any major injuries due to the fall and the train resumed its journey after an eight-minute delay. A photographer of Japan's Yomiuri newspaper took an image of the train rescue and joined the crowd in cheering and applauding when the woman was finally safe and free.

The rescued Japanese woman now owes a good deal of gratitude to the fellow commuters who saved her life from the peril of being crushed by the train. The act of unity, heroism and care for other human beings at the JR Minami-Urawa station in Tokyo was featured in the largest daily newspaper in Japan.

From there, the captured image went viral as numerous social media sites like Facebook and Twitter shared the story to the Netizens. Positive feedbacks and comments poured in with the inspiring Japanese rescue story.

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