Japanese Sex Doll Releases Liquid When Breast Is Squeezed
A new model of a Japanese love doll is the toast of bachelor parties because the plaything also doubles as a drink dispenser. It comes, however, with a high price tag of $5,000.
To release the liquid inside the doll, its breast is squeezed, report Gizmondo.
News of the female doll angered many women. One of them, oAssassinXo, in a post on Gizmondo's comment page, wants to know what the reason is behind Japanese men's obsession with realistic robots or dolls. She asked, "Do some Japanese men not have enough sex? Is there something about their personalities that makes some of them not wanted by women?"
In response, ImmaLion told oAssassiXo, "Sex dolls were created by European countries. You have users and makers in all countries, as well as art projects and stuff pretty similar to this video in western countries too."
Because of the very realistic look of these dolls, South Korean police who were probing a potential murder case in a temple garden were shocked that the so-called corpse was just an inflatable doll.
The female body, found near a waterway, wore stockings and was tied up with denim clothing and blue tape. Investigators noted the skin texture of the doll was like a real human being that when the police touched the body, they mistook it for a real woman, BBC reports.
The report said the doll was imported from Japan and is sold in South Korean adult stores. It is even found in brothels as "escorts" for rent, said the Humanity Centered Robotics Initiative.