Jay-Z Disses Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's Wedding, Calls it a Big Circus, Afraid of Possible Rachel Roy and Beyonce Drama

Jay-Z has reportedly dissed Kanye West's wedding to Kim Kardashian. A new report by Hollywood Life surfaced, detailing how Beyonce's husband truly thinks about Kanye and Kim's wedding. This is in spite of the fact that Kanye West is super happy that Jay-Z will come to the big Paris event and even be his best man. Many are starting to speculate that aside from being a private person who is afraid of big, publicized events, Jay-Z might be worried that Beyonce and Rachel Roy will come into a row during the said event because of the recent drama involving him, his sister-in-law, Solange Knowles, and designer Rachel Roy.
Kanye West cannot be anymore elated upon hearing that Jay-Z is indeed coming to his big day. It has been speculated earlier that Jay-Z and wife, Beyonce will rather not attend because they are private individuals while the event will certainly be anything but.
Jay-Z is Kanye West's best friend and him not coming to his big day seems a grave disappointment. So when Jay-Z confirmed his attendance, Kanye West could not contain his excitement. However, if everyone thinks Jay-Z changed his mind about the event because he suddenly realized the event is not as publicized as he originally thought, everyone thought wrong. He may go to the wedding but this does not mean he's doing it wholeheartedly.
"Jay thinks the entire Kimye wedding is a joke and it's being blown way out of proportion," Radar Online reports.
"He likes Kanye and Kim, but totally talks smack about them behind their backs. When he was asked about the wedding he just laughed and said, 'The circus goes to Paris!'"
It just seems unfair to Kanye and Kim that Jay-Z has nothing good to say about their wedding, especially since Kanye was genuinely overjoyed that Jay-Z agreed to be his best man.
"The best news came when Jay sent a gift to Kanye with an inscription referring to Jay Z as the rapper's 'Best Man.' The gift was a gold-plated, diamond-encrusted flask, delivered with a $10,000 bottle of scotch, for Kanye to have for his wedding day," Radar Online reported previously.
"Kanye was almost jumping up and down, he was so excited. He was running around Kris house to find Kim saying, 'Baby, look! Look! Jay and B are coming!'"
Jay-Z's diss on the wedding can probably be explained by his own personal drama, which involves wife Beyonce, sister-in-law Solange Knowles and designer Rachel Roy. Solange has recently been caught attacking Jay-Z on the elevator, reportedly because Jay-Z and Roy were being too chummy with each other. Because Roy is attending this big wedding, and Beyonce might be tempted to keep a leash on Jay-Z to stop him from being disloyal to her.