Jennifer Aniston shares her fuss-free diet plan

Jennifer Aniston is the true epitome of the amalgamation of good looks and ideal figure. The diva has left behind the conventional way of hiding the diet secret and has opened up about her secret diet. Interestingly, Aniston’s diet appears to be far more relaxed than the usual weird diets of other celebrities.
Aniston is truly the goddess of the flawless body that she has built over the period of time, but that hotbod comes as a result of strict diet which is more bearable and comparatively healthy. Aniston’s diet comprises of organic fruits and vegetables, Yahoo scFood reports. Also, she ensures to keep her body hydrated 24x7.
What came as a surprise during her interview to the website was the fact that the lovely lass has a chicken coop in her $21 million dollar California mansion that she shares with her husband Justin Theroux. In addition to the healthy eating habit that Aniston follows, it is the extensive cardio workout and yoga that keeps her in shape.
"My diet's good all year round. I don't do a big reset. It's pretty clear: eat as much organic fruits and veggies as you can, keep sugar [intake] low, drink tons and tons of water, and get good sleep," Yahoo! Food quoted the “Friends” actress.
"You won't find caviar [in the kitchen]. Nope, you can't acquire that taste no matter how many people say that. It's just a sh--ty taste," Aniston added. During the candid confession about her diet, Aniston resembled a nagging kid who has a special dislike for beetroots. The actress has admitted that she is not a fan of the beets.
However, Jen’s refrigerator is stacked with boxes of veggies, hard-boiled eggs, lettuce and chicken, thus, reflecting the idea of a typical American meal. Aniston is no different from her millions of fans based all over the globe as even she has tried a few fad diets before settling on a more digestible one.
"I did do Nutri-System, like, 20 years ago. That actually worked. It just happens to be astronaut food, but it still worked," Aniston said while talking about her sharing her experience about a Nutri-System diet.