Jennifer Hudson is “Scandalous” in new a Funny or Die clip. The Academy Award winner has spoofed Kerry Washington’s show “Scandal” to promote the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or also known as Obamacare, in the U.S.

Channelling Olivia Pope, Washington’s famous character in the ABC drama, Hudson tries to fix salacious predicaments for her clients, but is confronted by health care problems that, according to the clip, are easily solved by the ACA instead.

“I prefer Covert Scandal Manager,” Hudson as Lydia Cole told a man who called her a “Fixer.”

The 32-year-old singer/actress is seen in the clip in crisp white trench coat, discreetly meeting with clients who need the Fixer’s help.

“My past is coming back to haunt me and it’s gonna ruin everything,” one distraught man confided to Hudson.

When Hudson appeared to be interested with his scandal, the man continued, “I had asthma as a kid and my insurance company wants to drop me. Something about pre-existing conditions.”

She then meets up with another client, a senator, whose mistress is pregnant. But just as Hudson is just getting excited about getting an actual scandal, the senator informs her that the real problem is she doesn’t have health insurance.

A frustrated Hudson later demands “real scandal” from her contact, saying, “All of these people’s issues can easily be fixed by the ACA.”

The clip ends with a voiceover, telling viewers to visit

According to Reuters, Hudson, along with other celebrities such as Amy Poehler and representatives for Oprah Winfrey, met with senior White House officials in July to discuss how to use pop culture to inform young Americans about the ACA.

Funny or Die president of production Mike Farrah cleared speculations that the comedy video Web site that the government is paying them to produce the videos.

“If there was ever any money for Funny or Die – which there never was – I’m sure it would have been cut by the sequester long ago,” he quipped to Reuters.

Scandalous with Jennifer Hudson from Jennifer Hudson