Jeremy Lin’s Summer Job: Employee At Adidas Store In Taiwan

Jeremy Lin is known for his basketball prowess and over the years has developed another skill: acting. In his latest venture in the world of acting, he played an adidas employee at a store in Taiwan in a promotional video for the shoe brand he is endorsing.
Some gold Jeremy Lin jokes/pranks/Oscar-worthy acting during the 5-minute video were; Jeremy Lin denying that he was Jeremy Lin to a pair of female customers; also saying that he’s from Japan for the misdirection; Jeremy Lin telling a customer that he did not play or like basketball but prefers soccer, with Lionel Messi as his favourite soccer player.
And more gold moments; Jeremy Lin proclaiming to a prospective buyer that he gets a lot of “I look like Jeremy Lin”; when Jeremy Lin was told by a female customer that her boyfriend was about the same height, Lin asked who was better looking him or her boyfriend; Jeremy Lin asking customers, “Do you like the Lakers?” and the customers ignoring him.
And probably the funniest; Jeremy Lin asking a customer, “Do you like Jeremy Lin?” and the customer answering with a yes, only for Lin to ask her why when Lin is already a bench player for the past two years… Then suggesting to her just to buy Derrick Rose’s shoes because the Chicago Bulls star is better than Jeremy Lin.
Jeremy Lin, who has been traded from the Houston Rockets to the Los Angeles Lakers over the 2014 NBA offseason is wildly popular in Asia owing to his Taiwanese and Chinese roots and also has a large following around the world. Lin’s first exploded into the basketball mainstream when he played with the New York Knicks where the phenomenon called “Linsanity” was born.
Lin, who averaged 12.5 points and 4.1 assists last season, is expected to earn the starting point guard position for the Los Angeles Lakers in the upcoming 2014-2015 NBA Season which opens play
Watch the full video of Jeremy Lin pranking customers as he worked on the one-hour summer job (audio is in Mandarin-Chinese so make sure to click the subtitle, to English, button):