A 7.4 magnitude earthquake striked the sea near Miyagi Region in northeastern Japan at 23:32 p.m. (1432 GMT) local Time Thursday.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) the heart of the tremor was traced 40 kilometers under the sea off the reported region.

JMA stated the earthquake is an aftershock of the earlier catastrophe on March 11. The weather agency raised tsunami warnings to this point.

Although the famed Xinhua building swayed in the tune of the tremor, no major troubles were caused in the nuclear power plants in Fukushima Dai-Ichi, the Tokyo Electric Power Co reported.

Kyodo news accounted that Aomori, Iwate and Akita regions experienced power failures as well as some parts of Miyagi and Yamagata. Accordingly, expressways were closed due to the shake in Miyagi zone.
Nuclear power stations in Ibaraki area functioned normally after the quake, while the Onagawa nuclear plant in Miyagi region had power supply stoppage on its two external units.

Meanwhile, Tohoku Electric Power Co. said, external power supply was disrupted at the No. 1 reactor of the Higashidori nuclear station.

In Rokkasho, Aomori area, external power supply was also disrupted at the worn-out nuclear fuel reprocessing plant of Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd.

With all these at hand, Japanese authorities have been exhausting all endeavors to fix the troubled
Fukushima nuclear power plant wrecked by the earthquake and the tsunami, to avoid any nuclear blast.