Joan Rivers Leaves A Huge Legacy/File photo/REUTERS/LUCAS JACKSON
Comedian Joan Rivers leaves a will which also mentions her four pet dogs.File photo/REUTERS/LUCAS JACKSON REUTERS/LUCAS JACKSON

Joan Rivers made a lot of jokes that can be considered half-truths on her book, "Diary of a Mad Diva", targeted at celebrities, especially at the Kardashians. It's no secret that Joan Rivers has a lot of beef against the Kardashians, calling Kim and Kanye West's baby ugly and in need of shaving just one of the outrageous things she said against the Kardashian clan. In her book, she made more jokes against the family and Radar Online is now reporting that Rivers actually know the Kardashians are really angry at her for what she wrote.

Joan Rivers think the Kardashians lack a sense of humor. In an interview with the Daily Beast after her latest comic memoir is released, Rivers claimed that, "The Kardashians are very upset."

Rivers added to the interview, "The Kardashians are the gift that keeps on giving. Just Kim's wedding... I said I'd caught Kim's bouquet, the first thing I ever caught from Kim that I didn't have to get a shot of penicillin for."

Rivers understands that the Kardashians' notoriety in the rumor and showbiz mill is good for her business. The comedian said whenever she bumps into the Kardashians at E!, the same network that produces Rivers' show, the "Fashion Police", she would always tell the Kardashians to "Stay famous, or I'm going to lose seven to ten minutes of my act."

Kim Kardashian for one still has not forgiven Rivers' comment about her baby being ugly. Apparently, she and the rest of the family would not put up with Rivers' new jokes. This is a huge minus point for the Kardashians in Rivers' book.

According to Rivers in her interview, "The ones who aren't upset are the smart ones who laugh at it and know it's silly." This means Rivers think the Kardashians are not smart for being upset. Still, she said, she has to give it to Kris Jenner, or the matriarch of the family.

She shared, "I think the mother is the smartest woman in world: She took the entire family, and now the next generation, and made them celebrities for doing nothing. I think that's brilliant. I want to sit at her feet and take notes."

Asked if she's going to apologise, she said she does not have anything to apologise for because she's just telling and writing what she sees.

"I told the truth. I don't think it's rude," Rivers claimed.

Kardashians need not worry. Rivers is as forthright with other people, not just celebrities. She even called President Obama, "gay" and the first lady Michelle Obama, a "transgender," The Hollywood Reporter dished.