Joan Rivers Leaves A Huge Legacy/File photo/REUTERS/LUCAS JACKSON
Comedian Joan Rivers leaves a will which also mentions her four pet dogs.File photo/REUTERS/LUCAS JACKSON REUTERS/LUCAS JACKSON

Joan Rivers' tragic and untimely death may never be fully explained because her daughter, Melissa Rivers did not want an autopsy. Still, even without knowing the real picture behind her death, the clinic where the renowned comedienne went into coma and died might be closed down soon.

Based on New York Law, a family member can decide not to request for an autopsy for the dead person as long as no evidence of criminality is linked to the death. This is what Melissa decided to do, as reported by TMZ. The E! talk show host and comedienne's daughter was so devastated with grief that she decided it's the best for everyone not to request for an autopsy anymore.

After all, the New York Medical Examiner already reported that Joan Rivers passed away from a 'predictable' complication involved in the throat procedure. Had Melissa expressly request for an autopsy however, it can be revealed what went wrong with the surgery that Joan was undergoing when she suddenly stopped breathing. An autopsy may reveal a puncture in the throat or other types of trauma. However, without it, the true picture or the true events on that day may remain a mystery forever.

This however, does not mean that the clinic will go free. It will still be held accountable for the talk show host's death. Following the investigation by the New York State Health Department, Yorkville Endoscopy, the clinic behind Rivers' surgery, has been deemed deficient in four criteria for accreditation. If these four deficiencies are not corrected soon, the clinic will lose its license on January 7, 2015.

According to New York Daily News, the four areas are "governing body and management, surgical services, medical staff and patient rights."

"This is a big, big deal," shared by Dr. Jerome Waye, who is a Manhattan gastroenterologist. "They won't be able to take Medicare patients, and that's got to be at least half their clientele."

The gastroenterologist however is surprised that Medicare is being hard on Yorkville suddenly. The expert never heard of a clinic losing its whole Medicare certification because of one doctor doing one procedure.